Functionalist View On Abortion

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Bob Buckhorn had said "When you start talking about abortion, people take that seriously and they're passionate about it - on both sides." For the past 28 years abortion has been in the grey matter of the legal system, neither illegal nor legal, yet it still remains one of the biggest debated issues in Canadian society today that is separated into two categories: pro choice and pro life. According to Gale Opposing Viewpoints in Context, pro-life supporters claim that life begins at conception, therefore, abortion at any stage in the pregnancy is murder. They believe that life is valuable and the life of the unborn baby has the same rights as the mother. Pro-choice supporters, on the other hand, claim that it is the woman’s right …show more content…

A con of this theory is that it does not pay enough attention to the negative aspects of certain events. It has also been said to create complacency amongst members of society. Functionalists may describe their outlook on abortion in many different ways, perhaps a necessary evil, or a right of women. Functionalists are in favor of abortion. They see abortion as serving a need within society. They also see it as benefiting society as it helps to create jobs. A doctor is needed to perform the abortion, and a patient must pay the doctor for the abortion. Through this, the economy grows stronger as more money is being ran through it. Without abortion, they would say we are only hurting ourselves with “back street” abortions and taking away from the economy/serving society. The social conflict approach implies that "human behavior in social context results from conflicts between competing groups." "Karl Marx is strongly associated with this theory and is famous for his understanding of conflict between classes." In terms of abortion, the theory would see the need for abortion. A con would be its negative view of society as a whole. It sees capitalism as being evil and does not recognise any good that it may create. Social conflict theorists see abortion as necessary more due to human rights. They would not look down on it as a form of “last resort” birth control or in any matter at all. They would see abortion as a way of freeing one from the capitalist’s control. Pregnancy is expensive, and having and providing for a baby is a lifelong cost. This is seen by the social conflict theorist as feeding into the

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