Funding For NASA Essay

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NASA has been budgeted $526.18 billion, which is an average of $9.928 billion per year, from 1958 to 2011. That hardly compares to the $370 million funded on only Endangered Species Act. Although this is a considerable amount of funding for the ES Act, but much of these expenses fail to achieve a significant impact that the organization for the ES Act would like to get done. Many national organizations need to be funded in order to make an impact on the Earth that humans live on. The governments should spend the money for outer exploration on our basic needs on Earth. These things include, One of the most overwhelming issues that humanity has is the lack of even the most basic necessities for life. CARE host humanitarian efforts, but needs to be funded. With natural disasters occuring, CARE, responds to emergencies. They help rebuild communities and families directly after disaster strikes. Disasters, like cyclones and earthquakes, destroy homes and cities. Hurricane Sandy, in 2012, alone took 47.99 …show more content…

Instead of funding for movement to another planet, the world should be funding the protection of Earth. WWF, World Wide Fund for Nature, does exactly that. Funding for outer space could lead us to settle on another planet. Without knowledge of how to protect planets and how to actively fix the harm we created on the Earth, humanity should not settle on another planet. Instead, funding for WWF could lead their missions of organizing work around six key areas: forests, marine, freshwater, wildlife, food and climate. By combining those six areas WWF can direct all their resources to protect species, communities and vulnerable places around the world. This is important because even if we fund for outer space, it will take a while for human life to settle on another planet. This means humans will have to live on Earth for while, and it’s much better if the Earth, that host humans, is