Futuristic Setting In Kurt Vonnegut's Harrison Bergeron

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In the story “Harrison Bergeron”, Kurt Vonnegut shows a clear understanding of a futuristic setting and how the government controls the individuals. Vonnegut shows and describes certain roadblocks that the government imposes on certain individuals. There is also a very strong use of character in this story. Character is defined as the mental or moral qualities distinctive to an individual. In the story “Harrison Bergeron”, there is a strong sense of futuristic setting that allows the characters to become more developed throughout the story. “Harrison Bergeron” takes place in the year 2081 and everyone was finally equal. Vonnegut states, that they were not only equal before God and the law but, they were equal in every which way. (Vonnegut 1224) Having equality throughout society is something that …show more content…

This is where the difference is between “Harrison Bergeron” and Lebron James, or at least as far as we know for now. Harrison was held back because of the physical attributes that he possessed and Lebron is glorified for having similar physical attributes. Character is defined as the mental or moral qualities distinctive to an individual. We have no idea what the future may have been for Harrison but we do know what it could be for Lebron James and that is something of fame and fortune. Lebron is known currently as being the best at what he does and also as one of the greatest to ever do what he does for a living, whereas Harrison may also be known for being one of the best to stand up for his people and show that the government is not always right in every situation. Unfortunately though Harrison’s life was cut short because of the things he believed and the things he wanted to accomplish. Character is something that Harrison showed a lot of, and he never changed throughout the story. He had the same mind set and same plan