
GPA Essay

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Hypothesis Tests for Two Independent Samples for Mean of MBA Students GPA’s
Throughout history, there has been a discussion if men are smarter than women or do they perform better academically. In the sample of 200 students, a hypothesis test for two independent samples was conducted to determine if the mean GPA differs from men and women using a 0.05 significance level. The data revealed there is a difference between male and female’s GPA’s. The women tend to have a higher GPA’s than men. Therefore, reject the null hypothesis. One must first dive into what hypothesis test to use. An individual can determine this by reading the problem and filling in the answers to the questions. All hypothesis testing requires answering four questions. First, …show more content…

This problem is not much different than the first question from Unit 4. With the exception that a person understands they are testing two samples vs. one sample hypothesis. The problem renders for a Test Statistic = Sample Value - Hypothesis Value / Standard Error. There are two types of T- test There is independent t-test, used when two groups under comparison are independent of each other, and the paired t-test, utilized when two groups under comparison are dependent from each other (Tae Kyun, 2015). The manual calculation formula is T=(x ̅_1-x ̅_2-μ_0)/(√(s_1^2+s_2^2 )/(n_1 n_2 )) . After plugging in all the number and doing the mathematics by hand . A p-value of 0.000 is given. The number is significant because it is within the level of significance of 0.05. A person begins by using the Excel Data Sheet from the Student Data file. The number “1” represents the males in the MBA program. The “0” accounts for the females in the MBA program. To facilitate the transfer of the GPA’s to the two-sample hypothesis Excel sheet an individual can create a pivot table then move the data into the correct columns. The data reveals that males have a 3.3 GPA average GPA vs. females having a 3.5 GPA. An individual knows immediately that this is going to be a two-tailed test because the problem indicates the word “difference” between males and

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