Daphnia Lab Report

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Daphina are planktonic crustaceans that belong to the class Phyllopoda(Branchiopoda) to which flattened leaf-legs used in producing a water vcurrent for their filtering apparatus. In the brachiopods, Daphnia belong to the order Cladocera whose bodies are encloosed by carapace, which is made up of chitin and polysaccharide. The carpace forms double wall separates hemolymph anda part of body cavity.Animals which belong to the order Cladocera, have up to 10 pairs of appendages, which include antennules, antennae maxillae, madibles, five or six limbs, which also form an apparatus for both feeding and respiration(this apparatus is used to filter food particles even bacteria. So, they are filter feeders) and a pair of claws. In Cladocera, …show more content…

Null hypothesis: Daphnia don't have affinity towards light.
2) Hypothesis: Daphnia shows prefernce towards a particular colour of light.
Null hypotheisis: Daphnia shows no preference towards a particular colour of light.

Hypotheises-1: Fourty daphnia will be collected form a water pond as sample space. Mean time fram will be deciided after allwing them to reach one of the ends of samll y- shaped open box. The Y-shaped box's both ends will be in same in distance from where the daphnia is placed constantlywith the help of dropper. This will minimize the chance of going to the nearest that is available. Light source is provided with the help of torch at one of the ends of the box and the other end will be covered with balck tape or paper in order to create darkness. Later based on the mean time that is recorded, each individual organism is placed at perticular place on water, within the mean time frame, the movement of the the individula towards a particular end is recorded. After, a careful observation of each indiual movement towards a particular, the light source will be chenged a to another side and the other end wil be covered with black tape or black paper. This is a control to make sure that their choice not just random end. On point will will given in the recording table if any individual chooses the end where light source is provided. Minus one point will be given if any indivual goes to the end where no light is provided and if an individual doeasnot mocve for within mean time frame, zero point will be given in the recording table. The analysis of the recording data, will be considered to perform next experiment for second

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