Gainesville Research Paper

518 Words3 Pages

5 Reasons Why Fall Is The Time To Build In Gainesville, FL

For those who are looking for the perfect home, building a home is a smart choice in Florida. Building a home allows home owners to custom design their new home so that it may perfectly fit all of their individual needs. Retrofitting a home is also an option. However, this option can sometimes be less cost-effective than building a new custom home.

Those who are building their home in Florida will need to decide the start date of the build. The start date of a construction project can impact the work more than one might initially have thought. The year-round heat and rain, which Floridians are accustomed to, will have an impact on the project. The unpredictable weather and insufferable heat can cause complications for those choosing …show more content…

Rain is year-round in Florida. However, typically there is a drop off in precipitation during the Fall and Winter months. A build that is halted by delays caused by weather could drag out unnecessarily long. It is advisable to schedule work during the Fall and Winter months in Gainesville and the surrounding area in order to avoid some of the more troubling Florida weather.

2) Less heat means better working conditions. The milder temperatures of the Fall and Winter are more bearable for workers. The cool temps help to increase productivity and make it less likely for those working to overheat.

3) Building in the Fall means less of an impact on your landscape. During the Fall and Winter seasons, growth typically slows for the plants in a normally lush Florida landscape. The slower growth, combined with more predictable weather, means that the construction crews will less negatively impact the surrounding landscape. Any damage to the landscape can also be repaired before the Spring. Once the home is completed, the plants will be able to bounce right back during the following Spring season, and the yard will look better than