Games In The Gladiators

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The action itself had enough tension and spirit just like in a war. Chariot-races and horseback competitions were perhaps the oldest form of sport in Rome. Race enthusiasts gathered to see dedicated men and their animals battle it out for the finish line amidst the cheers from the crowds. In the book, chariots are vividly described. The length to which the charioteers went to prepare for the races is highlighted. The horses are also described, especially in the manner in which they were arranged or driven to ensure victory. Various aspects of the races such as the danger faced by the horses and their drivers are also talked about and their role in fuelling the crowd’s excitement. On the other hand, the most famous event was that of gladiators. Blood thirsty spectators gathered in great numbers to witness these fights. The gladiators, in most circumstances, were armoured. They wore war attire consisting of helmets, guards around their bodies and carried a shield. Amongst this arsenal, the sword was the most important weapon. Some gladiators, however, preferred other weapons such as axes in place of the sword. As the gladiators battled it out, the spectators cheered them on. They expected a close fight, and will applaud such a fight to the end. In some cases, the cheers made up the verdict which was then awarded by the emperor. Each gladiator stepped onto the arena expecting to put up a good fight and win by killing the opponent or if he doesn’t win, he at least expected to die a good death while fighting. Attempting to step into the arena was an act of brevity in itself, especially if the enemy to be faced was renowned for his brutality and mercilessness. Bravery in the …show more content…

It is arranged according to the emperors who ruled Rome and how each of them regarded the games, what role they played, and how they impacted the people who lived at the