Gang Members Should Receive Stiffer Penalties

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While walking through La Paz Middle School on June 8,2014, Salinas High School student, Daniel Castillo was shot by two Sureno Gang members and left to die. He was due to graduate from high school at the end of summer school. Instead, he died that afternoon (Adami par.1). A shame that Castillo was fatally shot that afternoon many believe that the two gang members should be given stiffer penalties but that is not the solution. When viewed from the outside many believe gang members should receive much tougher penalties; however, stiffer penalties only increase recidivism rates, whereas the focus must be focused on rehabilitation in order to end gang crime. When one considers the issue of gangs receiving stiffer penalties, one must understand …show more content…

Back to Jessica’s story following that she had been sexually abused by her uncle, Jessica also grew up in a rough village. According to Sarah Garland, in the article “Suburban Ghetto” claims “Jessica shuttled between the village’s decrepit elementary schools several times. The harried teachers and guidance counselors had little time or resources to deal with a problem child like her. Two of the schools were eventually closed because the buildings, plagued by water leaks, structural hazards, mold, and rodents, were declared too dangerous to house students.” If children are living in these conditions throughout their life, many look to gang life because it shows they want to be with people with the same low socioeconomic status as them. In addition, what the author had claimed about school faculty not helping a “problem child” such as Jessica because they did not have time to is absurd; no wonder why the youth turn to gang life because they see that there is no one else to guide