Gang Violence In High School

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High school has people who want to be successful and people who think high school is just for “fun”. Those involved in gang activity in school are usually the ones who act like school is a joke. Dropouts have been increasing due to in-school gang violence. Gang violence can start in many ways in high school. One of the main reasons are due to their childhood or their father figures that grew up with them. People who are in gangs in school act like school is a playground and take school as a joke. They don’t pay attention in class or do their homework. They bully and make fun of other people because it’s “fun”. Gang violence has developed from high school dropouts and those involved are influenced by it. “Nearly 6.2 million students in …show more content…

Education is a key factor in succeeding in life. Without obtaining a high school diploma, a GED or college degree, an individual will likely experience great difficulties in finding and obtaining a job. Those who dropout will only know the basics of a job and will have a difficult time functioning and earning a reasonable income. Students choose to leave high school for a lot of reasons, but the decisions they make has serious long-term consequences. Those without high school diplomas face limited job opportunities and a lowered earning potential. “A range of factors have been shown to increase a student’s risk of dropping out, including high rates of absenteeism, low levels of school engagement, low parental education, work or family responsibilities problematic or deviant behavior, moving to a new school in the ninth grade, and attending a school with lower achievement scores.” ( Many students who dropout of high school do eventually earn a diploma or a GED, although the benefit of a GED without a college education, especially for minorities, is something to argue about. Students who are removed from school either temporarily or forever, also dropout of high school at much higher rates than students who are never removed from a classroom …show more content…

All could of had the opportunity to graduate but never want to try or just don’t feel like trying anymore. Across the country, 68% of state prison inmates do not have a high school diploma. “The decision to dropout of high school, after all, isn’t reached overnight. There are many factors that play into any student’s choice to not continue on to earn a high school diploma, some that are completely out of control of the school, and others are certainly influenced by it.” (Matthew, It is a statistically sound fact that high school dropouts in all demographics have a higher chance of going to prison at some point in their lives. Nearly three of 10 latinos, including recent immigrants, were dropouts (27.5 percent). Georgia had the highest dropout rate for this population a 22.1 percent. Studies have also found that dropping out is more likely to occur among students from single-parent families and students with an older sibling who has already dropped out than among counterparts without these characteristics. Dropping out occurs when students whose parents were not actively involved in the student’s school, whose parents never talked to them about school-related matters, or whose parents held low expectations for their child’s future educational achievement were more likely to drop out. Those who drop out usually have a very difficult time