
Gary Varvel's Political Cartoon For The Indianapolis Star

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Gary Varvel’s political cartoon, published on October 16, 2015, can be examined in terms of the rhetorical triangle and its appeals to logos, pathos, and ethos. His cartoon depicted the threat of federal debt while criticizing Bernie Sanders’s belief in climate change is the biggest threat to the US. The rhetorical triangle will be utilized to further analyze the meaning of this cartoon. Speaker, subject and audience are the three subjects in the rhetorical triangle. Its appeals to logos, pathos, and ethos will be essential to the political cartoon analysis. Using the rhetorical triangle and its appeals to logos, pathos, and ethos will create a better understanding of this political cartoon. Looking at the cartoon, the focal point is the huge foot of a reptile as it occupies half of the cartoon. The reptilian foot is green and it seems to be a foot of a dinosaur. On the foot shows the words “Federal DEBT”. Next …show more content…

He work as the editorial cartoonist for The Indianapolis Star. The subject of this cartoon is federal debt being the greatest threat for the country. As opposed to Sanders’s statement of climate change is the greatest threat, Varvel displayed his opposition by creating the reptilian foot as a symbol. To emphasize this contrary and the importance of federal debt, the artist draws the alarmingly large reptilian foot. The foot can be view as a major threat that needs to be addressed immediately. The country might be in great danger if the major threat is to be taken care of. Citizens and politicians would be the appropriate audiences for this cartoon. Audiences might take into consideration of federal debt being a great threat to the country rather than only climate change. Viewers who are republicans would agree with the artist as republicans tend to focus more on issues of national debt. With this same reason, it can be infer that Varvel or the organization that he works for is

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