Gastroenteritis Assessment

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This essay will look in detail into a holistic assessment of a young, female child, aged four, admitted to hospital suffering from gastroenteritis. Firstly, the author will outline what gastroenteritis is including its symptoms, frequency, treatment and impact, relating to both the clinical and personal aspects of care. Furthermore, the author will explore the links between practice and theory, observing different methods used in pain management, distraction, clinical observation and communication.
According to The National Institute for Health Care and Excellence (NICE, 2009) infective gastroenteritis is very common, can vary in severity and is “characterised by the sudden onset of diarrhoea, with or without vomiting.” Gastroenteritis is a …show more content…

The idea of family centred care was first mentioned in the Platt report of 1959, then reiterated by Casey’s Model of Nursing 1988 which referred to allowing parents to complete the ‘basic’ cares whilst the nurse supports and educates the parents. The Institute for Patient- and Family-Centred Care (IPFCC) outline the core concepts as dignity and respect, information sharing, participation and collaboration. Family centred care is about “Bringing the perspectives of patients and families directly into the planning, delivery, and evaluation of health care, and thereby improving its quality and safety.” (IPFCC, …show more content…

The NICE guidelines explain a multifaceted approach for the clinical identification of gastroenteritis, the nurse would complete several clinical assessments, as part of a multidisciplinary team, simultaneously, whilst ensuring the rights of the child are up held in line with the NMC Code of Conduct (2015) which centres around dignity, privacy and confidentiality. Due to the onset of diarrhoea and vomiting assessment of hydration is paramount, “Assessment of hydration has three main elements: clinical assessment, review of fluid balance charts and review of blood chemistry.” (Scales and Pilsworth, 2008). Clinical assessment refers to a physical examination, this may include assessing the tongue and mouth for moisture, however “The first part of the physical assessment is to ask patients if they feel thirsty, as thirst is the first clinical indicator of dehydration.” (Epstein, Perkins, Cookson, de Bono, 2004). A fluid balance chart allows for documentation of the overall input and output of fluids, the importance of which is stressed in the NMC Code of Conduct (2015) “Keep clear and accurate records relevant to your practice.” The fluid balance chart takes into consideration all routes, for example an input may be via intravenous fluids or orally, an output may

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