Gateway Drugs

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Gateway drugs are drugs that are dangerous and addictive in and of themselves, and they can lead to worse, more harmful addictions. There are three gateway drugs: tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana. They are ordered based on the level of exposure a person gets from a young age. All three gateway drugs are widespread, and harmful to the body. They are also addictive, making it dangerous to start using them, and in some cases, more dangerous to stop.

The first of the three gateway drugs is tobacco. Exposure to tobacco is widespread, and it is quite often that people smoke cigarettes in public. However, tobacco also comes in dip and snuff, which are forms of chewing tobacco. Cigarettes contain tobacco and nicotine, which is very addictive, as well …show more content…

It is found in beverages such as beer, wine, and liquor, and is a depressant. This means it slows down the nervous system, and makes it take longer to think and act. The amount of alcohol in a person’s bloodstream is known as BAC (blood alcohol concentration), and a higher BAC means that the effects of alcohol are stronger. The BAC is dependent upon a person’s drinking speed and weight, and how much that person has eaten before drinking. The body removes alcohol through a process called oxidation, but it is a very slow process, and the BAC will rise faster than the body can lower it. A person with a BAC of 0.08 or higher can be arrested for DUI (driving under the influence), but there are other crimes related to alcohol. These include violence, rape and suicide. Sometimes, when the BAC rises too high, a person can experience blackouts, which are periods of time with events that the person cannot remember. However, there are also long term effects of alcohol. Alcoholism is a disease which occurs when alcohol is consumed too much, and the body develops a physical and psychological dependence on alcohol. This is also related to homeostasis, as the alcohol has become a natural part of the balance of chemicals in the body. Enablers, or people who make excuses for alcoholics, are also at risk of depression. AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) is a support group to help people quit alcohol, and Al-Anon and Alateen are support groups for people affected by alcoholics or problem drinkers. Problem drinkers need to be careful, though, because withdrawal is dangerous. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome is what happens when the body reacts to the loss of alcohol consumption, and its symptoms include feeling nauseous, anxious, and agitated, as well as vomiting, tremors, and troubles sleeping. The most severe form includes hallucinations and muscle convulsions, and is known as delirium tremens syndrome. This can sometimes lead to effects as severe as death.