
Gautama Buddha Application Essay For College

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“Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it” ― Gautama Buddha, I have struggled with finding my purpose for a very long time. After extensive research, I am quite sure I found it in Speech and language therapy. The reason I fell in love with this course is because of the way it combines medical studies which I've been interested in for as long as I remember and doing something that's rewarding. That changes peoples life. Also the way you have to build this intimate professional relationship with your patients. Personally I've always found that I'm my best self around others. Being with other people involves communication and speech. For people who can’t speak, can’t communicate that must be tough, …show more content…

This is why I think speech therapy is amazing and really important. I think I would be exceptionally excellent in this field of study because of my desire to learn all it has to offer. I aspire to be a transfiguring puzzle piece. I want to close cracks. Solve problems in any way I can. This is why I enjoy volunteering, for example, I was a camp counselor for three years. During my last year as a camp counselor, I was a supervising counselor, which means other counselors with less experience would come to me for help. We encouraged the campers to be brave and express themselves through different medias. I was brought up express myself and not be afraid of acknowledging my feelings. I believe We have to be able to use our words and share our thoughts with others. We shouldn’t shy away from asking for help or opportunities life has to offer. These things are impossible without talking, without speech, without expression. My mother is a psychiatrist. She introduced me to the world of

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