Geiger Counter Lab

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Introduction The goal of this experiment was to acquire an understanding of the fundamentals of measurement in addition to analyzing the gathered data. During the experiment, an understanding of basic experimental error was gained as well as how to utilize the error equations to account for margins of error in each experiment. For Investigation 1, the mass, length and diameter of four separate cylinders was measured and utilized to calculate the volume and density of the cylinders. After recording these results in the table, the data of the cylinders was graphed. Then, in Investigation 2, a Geiger counter was utilized to measure background radiation in the lab at intervals of one minute for sixty minutes. The time period sixty minutes was used to generate a more consistent amount of results (increased amount of data points), as opposed to the 20 minutes originally recommended in the lab book. The levels of radiation were recorded and graphed on a histogram with specifically calculated bin sizes. Furthermore, the background counts per minute were also calculated as well as the uncertainty of the data. To complete the experiment, we calculated the standard deviation of the data and analyzed it in comparison to the calculated uncertainty. Investigation 1 Before the investigation could be started, a digital scale had to be located. Then, the digital calipers were acquired in addition to …show more content…

Following that step, the uncertainty of the masses was determined in addition to the errors for the measurements of the cylinders. Then, the length and the diameter of the four cylinders were obtained using the digital caliper. After acquiring these measurements, the relative error and uncertainty was determined and the volume of the cylinders was calculated and recorded in excel. The relative error and the uncertainty for those data values were also