Argumentative Essay On Radiation Therapy

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Radiation therapy hasn't always been something everyone found to be safe,usable, or effective.It has been cosidered dangerous and sometimes fatal, some also believe radiation therapy will cause the patient to not to get better but to make get worse and very ill. Some people with open minds ponder the question does radiation therapy really cause you to get worse?Radiation therapy can do the patient good because it kills of cancer cells which could save your life depending on the severity of it. Radiation therapy doesn’t cause harm.
How is radiation therapy being improved some might ask,"Doctors and other scientists are conducting research studies called clinical trials to learn how to use radiation therapy to treat cancer more safely and effectively."("Radiation …show more content…

“About 31 or more people had died from the tragic event in 1986 in Chernobyl, Russia from the accident itself or from thyroid cancer that developed after the incident later on down the road”, (Pearson 1) chernobyl was a horrific event and lead to more deaths even after the fact from the leftover radiation in the ground in air around this area even still today this area isn’t the safest place to be even after so many years of it being a vacant town in Russia.Another nuclear related accident was when the TMI power planted almost melted down,it showed us that a lot can happen from one small problem such as a faulty pressure valve can over heat the reactor and this could cause a plant to meltdown” (Pearson 1).A plant meltdown can cause a number of problems to happen to you because large amounts of radiation is released from the plants after an explosion or a meltdown.A problem we face everyday still is nuclear waste, we wonder where we can put it that allows the population to still be safe.”The U.S. is doing a latter approach for nuclear waste and the location chosen for this is Yucca Mountain in Nevada.” (Pearson 1) They feel waste is to dangerous to just leave it.A good thing about power plants is that they are safer than other methods in the working field.Nuclear power is useful but with the radiation given off or if the power plant exploded or something along those lines the radiation is stronger and more powerful and can spread across a location and kill many.This kind of radiation given off by an exploded power plant is much more harmful than what you will receive when given radiation