Gender Difference Between Men And Women's Speech

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The major thing that distinguishes human beings from animals is basically our way to communicate with each other by using language
Living in a patriarchal society is leads people to questioning the sentence that mentioned at the beginning and this society cause some issues, importantly cause gender discrimination, which is reflected in human language.
Observations of the differences between the way males and females speak in grammatical and reflected in their attitude.

This paper mainly focusing on the main differences between men and women’s speech examine their natural behavior how do they express themselves in society and analyses their differences in using language.

Language is closely associated with social attitudes. In the past, women are supposed …show more content…

Shuy (1969) made a study in this field, and he found that 62.2% of men pronounced “-ing” in a wrong way, but only 28.9% of women didn’t pronounce right
As an example of intonation is women often like to speak in a high-pitch voice because of physiological reason, but scientists point out that this also associates with women’s “timidity” and “emotional instability”. As in vocabulary it can be easily notice that men and women tend to choose different words to show their emotions. For instance, ‘when a woman is frightened, she usually shouts out, “I am frightened to death”! If you hear a man says this, you’ll think he is a coward and womanish.’

In the 1970s women researchers started looking at how a linguistic code transmitted sexist values and bias.
Women talk more than men, women break the ‘rules’ of turn-taking less than men, women use more standard forms than men and women’s speech is less direct than