Gender Differences In Physical Education Standards Across The US

729 Words3 Pages

Kiari Bunch e3 Civic High

Despite the differences in physical education standards across the USA between states as well as boys and girls the core, having students be active, is the same. Many complain that the criteria in which boys and girls have to reach to pass high school PE is unfair because it is “unbalance” it does not compare to state criteria differences. The primary difference between states, are the amount of credits needed to pass high school physical education. The main between genders are the amount of work in the given time frame. California, Texas, Ohio and New York, states from each part of America, have severely different state regulations, but not as drastic gender differences. The contrast …show more content…

Although there are inquiries about these state's rigidness when coming to physical education and research proving it would be better to make requirements equal to both genders, there are very few states that have the amount to credits, and gender equality balanced in the United States. The point of this study was to see how there are many variations and loopholes when comes to required exercise. The information gathered and research was mostly secondary sources. The information from most of the websites came from recorded data collected from the school districts of those states. Collectively, all the websites contained specific evidence, such as needed credits, and how to obtain credits were helpful. As the websites were being analyzed, some data showed that some states did have similarities, but very mostly different. Overall the websites pertained specifically to the topic because it helped provided information about PE standards. The effects of these differences can not be properly recorded because not every child fits into the given …show more content…

In California, high school boys are expected to run a mile in seven minutes while girls are expected to run one in eight minutes. In a similar case, girls are expect to be more flexible and are required to reach two more inches than their male classmates. In Texas (insert 2 sentences about Texas) Also in New York (insert 2 sentences about New York ). Lastly in Ohio (insert 2 sentences about Ohio). The state difference could due to a number of things. Primarily the difference in states could be due to terrain and government rulings. The problem is that students in Ohio are not getting the same standards as students in New York and so on. A solution would be set parameters that would have to be enforced across the country. A solution would be to have every state must have all students obtain the same amount physical education credits in order to graduate would work in favor for all states. That way states still have the freedom to dictate how students can get their