Gender Division In Soccer Essay

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One of the greatest sports that is played worldwide is soccer. This is because both men and women can play, it isn’t as gender specific as some other athletics. There are two divisions; one for the men and the other for the women. The two division don’t correspond with each other expect for playing the actual sport. There are different kinds of rules, world cups, and flow of game for each division. There are some common things between the two divisions overall.
The discrepancies between both divisions are significant. For example, the men’s world cup began long before the women’s world cup. While the women had a late start the men’s soccer league started to grow worldwide. It took a while for many countries to mainstream soccer but it is now mainstreamed, especially in Western countries. As Quraishi stated “I think what we see with the women is the U.S. was one of the first countries to really establish a strong tradition of women playing soccer and to put the programs …show more content…

This sport entails much tradition encompassing many different histories. There are many different versions of to how the game began. This can date back as far as 2500 BC, during which time the Greeks, Egyptians and Chinese all appear in feet-based games involving a ball. These games included the use of hands, feet and even sticks to control a ball. Some more recent versions are found closer to home belonging to the Mayans who ran in a stadium and only used their hips to hit the ball into the goal. The recent world cup player Argentinian Leonel Messi quoted is “This Game is Beautiful”. Recently after this world cup, more wide spread mania has started towards the game. Many news stations announced that it was the most popular sport worldwide and that it was now known as the most commonly followed sport in the U.S.A. This is more than a game. This is life for some