Gender Inequality In To Kill A Mockingbird

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To Kill A Mockingbird(TKM) is a truth fulfilling book which includes racial and gender injustices that connects to the real world. Even though Martin Luther King Jr. achieved to get civil rights, the United States is still greatly divided just like To Kill A mockingbird. To illustrate, in TKM Tom Robinson is accused of raping Mayella Yule when the whole time he was innocent and was killed. Similar events have occured in past years. For instance, African Americans were and are still being targeted even though some haven’t rendered any concerns. Sadly, a man named Anthony Lamar Smith has been shot and killed by Jason Stockley who was a white cop in 2011. In the National Review, the website commentated that “Everything was peaceful at first and it soon turned violent”. With this in mind, disgraceful events like these have a strong connect to TKM. To add on, gender inequality impacts the TKM society and the society today. In the book TKM, Mayella Yule has been beaten terribly by her father and hasn’t spoken out, even when she was on the witness stand because in her society men are more compelling which produced fear. To compare, sexual harassment has emerged more than ordinary in today’s society. To put it another way, sexual harassment to women shouldn’t even be an ordinary because it …show more content…

Yet, I still don’t understand that a court occurs in Maycomb County when colored men or women are unquestionably convicted because their skin color is a dirty label that controls the highest of all that the white colored win every time. Events like these has a connection with today’s men and women. Men are like the puppeteer while women are the puppet because men always gains more money even if a women has the same occupation. To add on, men control most women. One example is that Trump went against abortion when it is the woman’s body to