Gender Inequality In Modern Society

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In today’s modern society we deal with many problems, our society struggles to cope with difficulties even as solutions are not hard to find. There is one problem, however, that our society has been dealing with for some time. Gender inequality has been a long battle on controversial gender roles society sets for men and women. Has this issue persisted due to biological makeup or is it how culture and society deems gender roles? For a long time, religion is one of the factors has set the limitation on the roles each gender must assume just as much as how we choose to continue customs from patriarchal times. Gender has numerous different aspects such as biological and gender roles each of which become key factors into different social problems. A society where gender roles have a strong contributing factor to important daily decisions being made either at an education level or at …show more content…

Eventually explanations offered for gender inequality prompts the reply, “But hasn’t it always been like this?” Like it or not, this is a serious question that cannot be avoided. When society continued to transform through time, new problems replaces old ones, new behaviors became dominant until the accumulation of changes forced us to consider gender inequality. Even as an old problem gender inequality continues to be cultivated in today’s modern society. As controversial as the problem is, our customs and mentality keeps the issue awake in a society which is becoming less tolerant to discrimination. A society that prides themselves in progressiveness continues to be part of an archaic way of viewing gender roles. A society were gender inequality persists, biological conditions, institutionalization and employment constructs continue to be the major contributors to gender inequality in modern