Gender Roles In The Kite Runner

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Have you noticed the prominence of gender inequality within the variety of texts in this course? In this presentation, we will be taking a closer look. will be covering plays, novels, TV shows and even songs.
Let’s get started!
The topic of this presentation is about how literature is a window to the world meaning it allows one to gain perspective on the situations in which others endure.
The main idea is that gender inequality and gender roles are present in multiple pieces of literature inside and outside of this grade 11 English course.
So what is gender inequality? Gender inequality is a term used when individuals face discrimination or unfair treatment due to the gender in which they identify with.
What about gender roles? Gender roles …show more content…

This power is often associated with masculinity, but the quote challenges this notion. This relates to gender inequality and gender roles because traditionally, women have been viewed as submissive and lacking power. However, this lyric challenges the stereotype by portraying women as having the ability to hold power and control others. It suggests that women can possess traits that are traditionally viewed as masculine and that these traits can be used to gain power and influence. Overall, the quote focuses on the potential for women to hold …show more content…

Point 1. Soraya is frustrated about the unequal treatment of men and women in Afghan culture.
“Their sons go out to nightclubs looking for some meat and get their girlfriends pregnant, they have kids out of wedlock and no one says a goddamn thing. Oh, they’re just men having fun!”
Soraya’s frustration is highlighted by the quote, which shows how men are allowed to engage in promiscuous behaviour without any consequences, while women are judged harshly for the same actions. The double standard demonstrates gender inequality and reinforces traditional gender roles, where men are expected to be sexually active and women are expected to be wholesome. Soraya’s frustration is a reflection of the larger issue of gender inequality in Afghan society, where women are often denied fundamental rights and opportunities sumpy because of their gender.
Point 2. Amir expresses his feelings about a double standard held against men in Afghanistan.
“Maybe it was because I had been raised by men; I hadn’t grown up around women and had never been exposed firsthand to the double standard with which Afghan society sometimes treated