
Gender Stereotypes In 'Froggy Bakes A Cake'

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Would you let your child read a sexist book? Most children's books in this day and age are very sexist and put females down. Not a lot of adults notice this sexist quality that children's books have, however children definitely pick up on the gender inequalities. According to a United Kingdom newspaper, a study found that gender bias was predominant in books that featured animal characters. These books often favored male animal heros rather than female animal heroines. This study is no exception to the book “Froggy Bakes a Cake”. Although the book “Froggy Bakes a Cake” may seem like it breaks the stereotypical gender role mold, it is in reality a put down towards young boys, because it shows them that they are not equally capable as girls.
In the book “Froggy Bakes a Cake”, we are introduced to three main characters. Individually, each character has his or her own flaw that is amplified to put both genders down. But who is the instigator? While the narrator is normally not considered a character, in this book he/she is, because the …show more content…

One way the author could be more inclusive and change the way this book is perseptive by young kids, is if he were to change some of the over dramatic and negative character traits that Froggy exhibits. Some changes could include: not being so headstrong, not being extremely messy, and not being overly clumsy. With these small changes, male children would see that if they would want to do something in the kitchen, their outcome would not be failure. As well, if he included Froggy’s mother some more in the story line and gave her more meaningful lines then he would truly eliminate all signs of inequality from his book. However, some implications of this could be that, some children might not be as keen as to gravitate towards this book because now the story would be missing the excitement factor that appeals towards

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