Gender Stereotypes In Socialization

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Gender stereotypes are over-generalizations about the characteristics of an entire group based on gender. Even though gender stereotypes have been perceived as having negative connotations, they can also have positive ones as well. We typically are defined by society due to gender roles which refers to the attitudes, behavior, and activities that are socially defined as for each sex and are learned through the socialization process. I believe when you have a society that has a manual on how to be a “REAL MAN” or “REAL WOMAN” and each sex has to have certain attitudes, behavior, and activities in order to be considered that is when stereotypes come into hand. We forget that men or women may do what the other does in their everyday …show more content…

In conclusion, we as a society think of “men” as a strong, powerful man that work’s on cars, is the primary breadwinner, head of household, in charge of wife, men have hard/dirty jobs, men are messy and do not do household chores or cook, and men are not responsible for taking care of the children. Whereas women are perceived by society as having clean jobs, make less money than men, women are best at being stay at home mothers, women don’t need college, women don’t play sports, women are responsible for household duties and for raising children, and women are not as strong as men and could never be in charge. I think that stereotypes are changing in many ways women are starting to rise and become more equal when being compared to a man. Many women today have taken control of their own life and threw the stereotypical woman out the window and have started to become the exact opposite of what society once perceived women as. Women are now becoming the breadwinners, working hard/dirty jobs, head of household, and etc. Men are changing too realizing that women are just as strong as them and women can help share the load. Men are even stepping up and taking on more responsibilities such as household duties and raising children. Having a gender-segregated work affects women because men and women can’t get jobs such as the dirty/hard work because women are labeled as