Gender Stereotypes In The Film Legally Blonde

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“I know we have still not shattered that highest and hardest glass ceiling, but someday someone will and hopefully sooner than we might think right now.” This was one of the most memorable lines from Hillary Clinton’s concession speech to Donald Trump. The quote highlights the state of women in society today, as they are somehow still viewed as incapable of handling such a high position of leadership. But this problem goes beyond simply politics; it boils down to everyday circumstances of gender stereotyping and underrepresentation. With women being denied opportunities every day and young girls growing up believing they don’t have a place in society as a leader or anything more than a supporting character to a man, films and the media industry …show more content…

Although this movie features countless female stereotypes, it still passes the Bechdel test due to the fact that Elle, played by Reese Witherspoon, and her friend simply share a conversation about their dogs in a scene or two. The criteria of the Bechdel test simply state that the movie must feature a minimum of two female characters who share a conversation with one another about a topic other than a man. Despite how shallow or superficial that conversation is, as long as it does not talk about a man, it will pass the Bechdel …show more content…

This is evident in how movies often reduce women to stereotypes, portraying them as two-dimensional characters and undeveloped female supporting characters, primarily created as accessories to male characters’ stories. What the Bechdel test does is highlight this, drawing attention to the gender disparity that exists in the majority of cinematic

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