Gene Yang's Representation In Literature

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Gene Yang believes that people of all races should be represented in literature to inspire readers. Furthermore, when Yang discusses essentialism he states that different characters should have characteristics that help us identify them but, we should refrain from being afraid of what the audience has to say about a work of literature. Yang explains that we need to willingly view things from the audience’s perspective without getting offended. Moreover, he believes that diverse pieces of writing have to be acknowledged and accepted as prestigious literature. Literature should not be excluded just because it doesn’t follow a certain set of rules that were created by people who supposedly know what it takes to make quality literature. Yang states that just because some literature is unorthodox doesn’t mean that it is …show more content…

It is a matter of opinion and it would be unfair if one group of people excluded literature because it was different from what they were used to reading. In addition, Yang has an interesting view of writing. He states that as a writer it is necessary to get lost in the pages and allow your thoughts to flow in the first rough draft. Writers should not refrain from speaking on other cultures simply because they aren’t privy to certain traditions or languages. He explains that writing about other races is acceptable even if stereotypes surface in the writing. However, he points out that a writer should consult other professional editors or writers that understand the culture that one is writing about in order to pinpoint mistakes. Furthermore, the author should do as much research as possible on a particular culture before completing the final draft. As previously stated, he believes that the writer should not be afraid of his or her audience. He believes that the audience can be an influential tool that could help a writer improve in certain