General Douglas Macarthur Speech Vivid Language

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For a united nation to prosper, its people must overcome obstacles and take on numerous responsibilities. Throughout our lives, there are problems occurring continually in our world related to war and combat. During these times of hardship, we must remind ourselves to persevere and continue to defend the country. In addressing the Sylvanus Thayer Award on May 12, 1962, at the city of West Point, New York, General Douglas MacArthur urged Americans to remember the major responsibilities we have as Americans in his speech Duty, Honor, Country. Throughout the speech, MacArthur does a great job of stirring emotion, using vivid language, repetition, logos, pathos and sensory imagery. MacArthur expresses the theme that Americans should defend the …show more content…

After the introduction, MacArthur added humor in his speech by explaining the conversation he had with the doorman on his way to West Point that morning. General Douglas MacArthur is very appreciative that he won such an award as the Sylvanus Thayer award. He expresses that no “human being could fail to be deeply moved by such a tribute”. MacArthur is humble as he states that “this award is not intended primarily to honor a personality, but to symbolize a great moral code” which is Duty, Honor, Country. MacArthur uses logic to go on to explain the moral code, and how duty, honor, and country build your character, and mold you to be the soldiers you should be. MacArthur uses of anaphora to do in fact asks questions in his address. He asks what kind of soldiers are those you are to lead? Are they reliable?. MacArthur then uses the logic of his moral code to challenge the soldiers that even though war can be brutal, the soldier that will give his life for his country is the noblest of humankind. After giving the challenge, MacArthur empowers the audience that they do face a new world, with different challenges that they will face, they are the new hope of the country, and that they must follow the code duty, honor, country. Above all, MacArthur does in fact …show more content…

Sharing the history of an American man at arms is what MacArthur discusses next in his address. Using pathos through his use of personal experience, emotions and credentials in order to show that he too has been in the same position as the cadets there that day and that by upholding the values instilled in him during his time at West Point he had managed to become the man he was. Using sensory imagery in his speech, General MacArthur portrays the harsh conditions such as "dirty foxholes, ghostly trenches" of a soldiers far away from home, also contrast the images of weather between "broiling suns of relentless heat and torrential rains of devastating storms". He praises and overvalues the strength of an America soldiers who live by the code of duty, honor, country. Further on, he explains the example of what a soldier is, and he talks about what a soldier goes through by discussing his personal experience, and uses the word “I” several time in his speech. He expresses how hard it is, and always brings back to the code of Duty, Honor, and Country. The soldier’s responsibility “above all other men is required to the practice the religious