General Stereotypes Of Today's Generation, By Amy Goldwasser

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“What’s the matter with kids today? Nothing, actually. Aside from our panic that the Internet is melting their brains,” an article written by Amy Goldwasser, examines general stereotypes that today’s generation is being taken over by technology, specifically the internet. Goldwasser uses her views on this extreme topic as a solution to the issues that arise depending on how one may view internet usage. A research organization, Common Core, along with Doris Lessing, who spoke after winning the Nobel Prize in literature, both come to conclusion that the internet compromises true knowledge(635). Goldwasser does not necessarily agree with these conclusions. In fact, she believes that it is the adults and older generations that are creating this issue. …show more content…

Internet does have the ability to create a number of problems, but when used responsibly it can be used as a huge advance in society today. We were not born knowing how to use the internet, we were taught and raised with the influences by those surrounding us. Lessing addressed in her speech that the internet has, “seduced a whole generation into its inanities”(635). Goldwasser then makes the point that “when the world worked in hard copy,” which would be when Lessing grew up, teenagers were not scolded for writing letters to friends or for writing personal narratives, but today communicating using the internet is such a shame(635). I don’t think that teenagers today should be shamed for such behavior, as it would be a burden for someone to write a letter to a friend asking a simple question when it would take at least a few days for one back when they could send a text or email and get a reply within