General's Defeat: A Narrative Fiction

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General Magnus sat in his CP by himself, he had asked his staff to leave after the meeting he had with the Staff Sergeant and two other Marines that had returned from the coast. This was the first time he had seconded guessed whether or not they would be successful. He knew there was no present way they could fight an aircraft carrier, even one, and a battleship. He knew that he had to stay out of flight and gun range of the two ships. A runner a arrived from Third Brigade with a message from its commander, it wasn’t good news. A large enemy force from the west had hit them hard in the flank, it was a miracle that the flank hadn’t collapsed. However, he had to shift forces to cover the hole in the line the enemy had created, before they could exploit it. This left his line thinner in other …show more content…

With Third and Second Brigade out of the way, it was wide open for the enemy to drive into his own flank. Third Brigade had almost twenty-five hundred men and woman, the General knew they were under attack by the 184th Infantry Regiment and was barely holding its own against them. Then to throw the Marines at them, he knew it was a lost battle. For now the fighting toward his from was primarily and exchange of artillery, both sides attempting to prep the battlefield. The problem was that General Magnus only had so many shells to fire at the enemy, he was briefed earlier in the day, that his batteries would be able t support any effort for the next twenty-four hours. After that, it was up to the infantry, at the same briefing he ordered his infantry units to continue to probe the enemy flanks, keep trying to find a hole in the line. The field commanders were highly doubting the General’s ability to deal with the reality of the current