
How Best To Build A Cell Essay

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In the article “How best to build a cell” it explains the social, economic andenvironmental issues that synthetic biology impacts. Synthetic biology is often described asbringing together engineers and biologists to build genetic circuits for some useful tasks1. Buttoday in our cultural society biologists and engineers beg to differ. They seem to think that itonly takes either an engineer or a biologists to do the job. To learn from one another can createsomething that special. But the pay-off will be more contributions that are more meaningful, toboth basic biology and biotechnology1. With the engineers and biologists working together canonly create something that the world may never know and it can be something life changing.Like finding cures to cancer …show more content…

This can notonly keep our community safe and secure but guarantee a better and good life for the nextgenerations. Finally, environmental issues seem to be the largest impact of them all. Humansaren’t the only ones who need saving, so do our living mammals. For synthetic biology to beuseful in medicine more and better tools are needed for work with mammalian cells3. Syntheticbiology needs analogous tools4. This greatly impacts our evolution. Right now it is difficult tomanage with mammalian cells to do simple things that we can do easily to bacterial cells. Whynot save our animals like we can save our humans. Scientists must consider both together to getthe most from synthetic biology5. A lot of us depend on these animals for example, we needfood. And to save animals and to keep their evolution and reproduction secure we need to be ableto know how to deal with theirs cells as well as we can with our own. Mammalian cells alsocontain specialized structures called organelles and are programmed to form organizedassemblies and to launch cell death3. To prevent that we need to improve synthetic biology toolsand technologies.References1 James J. Collins, Bring in the Biologists.

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