Dna Genome Lab

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1. Gibson et al., carried out this experiment to synthetically generate a DNA genome. According to this presented paper there are inadequate knowledge about the functionality of genome on different parts of the cell. Synthesizing a genome of a simple bacteria such as M. mycoides Capri and monitoring the regular functionality of this genome in a recipient bacteria such as M. capricolum is very important. In this manner scientists can learn more about the correlation of each genome and their function in a cell. This experiment proved that the synthesized gene could maintain the functionality of M. capricolum bacteria, and this bacteria was able to divide and have progeny similar to the donor bacteria M. mycoides (Gibson et al.).

2. This research …show more content…

Since Mycoplasma mycoides was too long of a genome (1,084,586 bp) to be synthesized by the computer, this synthetization had to be done in fragments of nucleotides polymers in Vitro settings such as yeast. 1078 Cassettes of 1080 base pairs was placed in yeast. Each one of these cassettes contained an 80 base pair overhang to ensure the correct assembly of all these segments. All these overlapping overhang of cassettes were combined by homologous recombination. After this step the cassettes were transferred to E. coli. In this step 109 of 10 kb cassettes were generated. All the cassettes that included errors were eliminated except for 19 polymorphic differences that were not important. Additional recombination provided 11 of 100 kb cassette assemblies. Since these assemblies were too large to be extracted from the E. coli, they were assembled in yeast. Exonuclease treatment and Ion Exchange Chromatography were some of the methods used to refine the DNA pulled out from the yeast. In the last step all these 100kb assemblies produced the complete genome. In the final genome 4 watermarks were implemented that did not interfere with the functionality of the genome. This was used to label the genome and differentiate the synthesized genome from the original donor genome (Gibson et …show more content…

Every research should include risk factor measures that necessitates the consideration towards the public health. Are there going to be long term complication that the synthesized microorganism can cause on ecological foot prints? Can the new organism have mutations which can harm other organisms? All these questions require further research on functionality of synthesized microorganism in different environmental conditions. In addition genetically engineering this type of microorganism is prone to be time consuming and expensive. There is a great need to automate and innovate new methods to synthesize new genomes (Bacterial Cell Controlled by a Chemically Synthesized Genome