Generational Traum 13 + Effective Ways To Break The Cycle By Quinn

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Generational trauma is also known as intergenerational trauma, and it has deeply affected millions of families and communities across generations, eternalizing a cycle of hopelessness and fear for many families. However, some may argue that generational trauma affects only a few people within a traumatized population, like people who experienced wars, and give a specific example, people who were in concentration camps, claiming that its impact is inconsistent and not universally experienced. However, this essay will argue that generational trauma has deeply affected millions of families across generations, not just people from traumatized populations, eternalizing a cycle of hopelessness and fear. Drawing from the insights of "What is Generational Trauma" by Gillespie (2023), as well as "Generational Trauma:13+ Effective Ways to Break the Cycle" by Quinn (2023), this essay will delve into Generational trauma, ways to fix it, and …show more content…

Sources of generational trauma, such as systematic discrimination, can be difficult to uproot, even after they are identified. The second step is to acknowledge the trauma and its impact on your life, nonjudgmentally. Feelings of guilt or shame can make symptoms worse." and in the article it would further explain that in order to uncover generational trauma would be to seek professional help like family therapy or to seek help from somebody that has some experience in the psychiatry field. Or even learning some coping mechanisms can be useful. In order to completely break generational trauma, which has also been explained by the article Generational Trauma:13+ Effective Ways to Break the Cycle," Quinn (2023) on page 18, "Breaking generational trauma takes intense work and