Genetics Vs Environment Essay

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Genetics or Environment: The Real Cause of Mental Illness Many people often want to know that when they see a person suffering from a mental illness how it was developed and how that person learned to adjust to the new them. Many scientists have tried to discover the reasoning behind all the questions people may ask and they came to the conclusion that many people are often influenced by genetics and others by the environment. Can a person really develop a mental illness through genetics? Yes, according to The Genetics of Mental Illness Implications for Practice by Steve Hyman Developing a mental illness can be a higher risk than those caused by the environment due to genetics being passed down through DNA and neurons in the brain. Neurons …show more content…

The environment that we live in today plays a very impactful role on a person, not only mentally but emotionally as well. For example, a woman can be violated by a perpetrator and moments later develop a mental illness from traumatization. Her mind becomes clouded and the only thing she can think about is the 5 minutes of her life that she will never get back. The disgust she develops in herself and the underlying hurt her heart begins to feel. The thoughts she is implicating in her mind fire the neurons that subsequently lead to a release in too many hormones which then leads to mental illness. In the Article Environmental Illness: Does it exist by Carroll M. Brodsky, Mayer A. Green and Eugene S. Ogrod II, the determination of one's mental state is more focused on the external environment rather than internally. A person can become dissatisfied with them self and feel as though the world is eating away their sanity. In most cases this is true. When a person is dealing with a mental illness they need a coping mechanism to take their mind off of reality. The article states that when a patient who feel as though they need help, your jobs is not to cure them, but to help them relieve discomfort. The way people are being judged today and how there is a scarce amount of people coming to light about what they’ve been through shows that the environment is a silent

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