Male Genital Surgery Research Paper

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Male Genital Surgery
(Penis Enlargement, Circumcision, Scrotal Reduction & Testicular Implants)
Many cultures around the world associate a man’s penile length with his virility and sexual prowess. With increased exposure to the internet and pornographic content, most men may develop a misconception that genitalia of extreme length and girth is necessary to live a healthy sex life, which isn’t true.

Hence, most male patients go for male genital surgery with the aim of enhancing the overall appearance of the penis or scrotum. They often fail to realise that their genital is normal in size and shape. Technological advancement in surgical techniques has made possible aesthetic improvement in the male genitalia. However, it is always necessary …show more content…

They are commonly known as penis lengthening surgery and penis enlargement surgery respectively.

Male Circumcision surgery
Circumcision is a very often performed male genital surgery. Most men take this personal decision which is either dependant on their religious beliefs or for various other reasons. few men find a tight foreskin to be uncomfortable or even painful in some cases. While a few of them find their foreskin to be too much. For some, they simply like the appearance of a circumcised penis appealing. It is important to understand that the sensation of the glans (head) of the penis may be irreversibly altered (reduced) and therefore one should be certain that circumcision is right for them before proceeding. Your surgeon will answer all your queries regarding circumcision surgery with you during your …show more content…

They have reduced the chances of anything going wrong to rare cases.

However, no cosmetic surgery is 100% safe like other surgical procedures. All types of surgeries do come with their own side effects and complications although they tend to occur in rare cases. You need to be aware of both the pros and cons of penis enlargement surgery before making your decision.

Benefits of male genital surgery
These include:
• Increased length or width of your penis through penis enlargement surgery. In few cases, more than one procedure can be performed in the same operation.
• Increased sexual confidence and self-esteem.
• A renewed sense of masculinity and sexual potency.
• Improved sense of well-being and quality of life.

Cons of male genital surgery
These include side effects and complications and include:

• Sometimes no difference in size or width of the penis is noticed
• Adverse reaction to anaesthesia
• Damage to nerve endings and loss of sensation
• Irregular/racing heartbeat
• Various Infections
• Intense pain
• Excessive