Assignment 2: A Case Study: Genocide In Kenya

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CASE STUDY: GENOCIDE IN_Kenya_________________ The genocide of Kenya occurred from 2007 to 2008. This genocide caused 1133 casualties, more than 350000 people placed and about 2000 refugees and some numbers of women raped and destruction of 117216 properties and more than 490 government properties such as offices, hospital and schools. Rift Valley and the Coast, group of the Kikuyu people who supported President Kibaki were especially targeted in violence and a lot of buildings and facilities were continuously destructed. Moreover it has been found out that the real target of this violence was to destroy their properties instead of killing them. And this violence found to be happened mostly in Rift Valley and Nairobi. Women and girls often …show more content…

One of the establishments of this contention examination is that what occurred amid the Kenyan 2007 decisions had its underlying foundations in a powerless national constitution. This constitution has continuously did not have a solid balanced governance framework between the official, authoritative and legal branches of government. Over the traverse of three decades, changes to the constitution were made to deliberately dissolve these parities for fortifying presidential forces. The aftereffect of these expansive powers successfully made the presidential office proportionate to an autocracy, which gave the president the capacity to utilize and mishandle this power without restriction. The quote at the highest point of the page is pregnant with incongruity and is a case of what can happen as an aftereffect of a solid yet degenerate official branch. Mr. Kivuitu was the administrator of the Electoral Commission of Kenya (ECK), the legislative association that confirms 3 the race comes about. The incongruity is that in 2007 he ensured that Kibaki won the race evidently without really knowing regardless of whether he had