
Genocide Persuasive Speech

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During the last hundred years we have seen genocide in every corner of the Earth, with more than forty million people killed. By definition, genocide refers to widespread murder and other acts committed with the intent to destroy a national, racial, religious or ethnic group. The amount of genocides, although not always referred to at the beginning, have drastically increased in deaths. The US needs to devote resources towards setting up an international campaign of stopping and preventing genocides.
The United States needs to work together with other nations in order to prevent genocides in the future. Four years after the Rwandan genocide, President Clinton prepared a speech for the Rwandan people. During his speech he addressed the future of the world’s actions towards genocide. He said, “The international community, together with nations in Africa, must bear its share of responsibility for this as well. We did not act quickly enough after the killing began.” By saying these things, he …show more content…

Later in the speech Clinton said, “But we can and must do everything in our power to help you build a future without fear, and full of hope….we owe to all the people in the world our best efforts to organize ourselves so that we can maximize the chance of preventing these events.” Clinton knows that countries have messed up in the past, and he assures the Rwandan people that the US will do everything in their power in the future. By devoting resources towards the UN we can strengthen their power and efficiency towards genocide. Countries will be able to identify and resolve potential conflicts in the future with the help of UN resources. The United States can also support local initiatives to reduce ethnic and regional tensions in order to take down roots of genocide. Preventing all types of genocide, rather small or big, will take us one step closer to having a safe

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