
Persuasive Essay On Armenian Genocide

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Many people know of the horrors of the Holocaust and how it has been recorded in the world’s history, but what people don’t realize is the importance of genocide and how it has become a current issue. The Armenian Genocide –– which Turkey still says never happened –– is a current global issue and is greatly debated. It was one of Hitler’s inspirations for starting the Holocaust, which greatly impacted the world. Genocide has happened worldwide in many nations and still happens today, yet no one attempts to stop it. Globally, there is a responsibility to stop genocide; the global community should have stepped in during the Armenian Genocide. Early on, the Turkish people killed many Armenians before they attempted to kill them systematically. As time passed, “armed roundups began on the evening of April 24, 1915, as 300 Armenian political leaders, educators, …show more content…

Until that goal is reached, people must stand up for the basic rights of others and do what is necessary to make sure that no one is mistreated because of their race, culture, and religious views. For instance, when the Western Allied governments did nothing for the Armenians, the Turks took advantage of that and systematically killed the Armenians, dehumanizing them in the process. In the death marches, “most people had lost everything but a few shreds of clothing and whatever small valuables they could hide from robbers” (Altman 37). As the marches continued, death would happen every day, either from marauders, exhaustion, starvation, or disease. Since the Allies didn’t fight for the Armenian’s rights as humans, the genocide continued and became worse. Now that the world has seen these mistakes, the global community could fight against genocide and promote human rights in order to prevent events like the Armenian Genocide from happening

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