Genre And Attended Audience Essay

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Genre and Attended Audience: I choose an infographic that would be featured as an online magazine ad. I chose an online magazine ad as my genre because that’s how marketers and advertisers get their information out to their audience. The infographic is about how femvertising impacts sales and my target audience would be marketers and advertisers. The job of marketers and advertisers is to sell a product or a specific brand to consumers and make the company money. My infographic will show the marketers and advertisers what they could be doing to increase sales and ways to improve sales for their company.

Access to Infographic: I would feature the infographic in Advertising Age, which is an online Marketing magazine. My infographic is for Marketers and Advertising to be aware of how femvertisng impacts sales. I chose an online marketing magazine because not only is Advertising Age a global source of news and conversations for the marketing community, but it is also how many marketers advertise their product. So, I chose to “advertise” my infographic in that same way. In order to get the message out about femvertising, choosing Advertising Age was the perfect fit because …show more content…

I had to take what I thought was the most important parts of the research paper and put it into about 5 small sentences. I also had to be more to the point and make sure to get the marketers and advertisers’ attention and keeping their attention. I had to make sure I did not put too much information on the infographic because it would have been too cluttered and could potentially lose the audience’s attention. I also had to make sure that the infographic was visually pleasing, whereas the research paper was just a paper that I did not have to worry about how it looked. Another thing is that the research paper had rebuttals whereas the infographic does