
George And Lennie's Relationship Research Paper

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Which Relationship is Better? The University of Washington defines a healthy relationship as “when two people develop a connection based off of mutual respect, trust, and honesty.” These three building blocks are important because some relationships, if they are not healthy, may cause you to have a bad experience, and in return, changing your perspective on some things, such as relationships, in a negative way. Looking at the writings of Romeo and Juliet, and Of Mice and Men, it is clear that both have characters that share some sort of relationship, but only one is healthy. When comparing the relationships of George and Lennie, and Romeo and Juliet, George and Lennie’s friendship is more of a healthy relationship compared to that of Romeo and Juliet’s because they make decisions with each other in mind, they are always there for one another, and they have also known each other longer. …show more content…

In the book, George had to make a decision about what to do with Lennie after he killed Curley’s wife. He decided that it was best to shoot him himself. It’s not difficult to realize that George did not come to this conclusion depending on what was easier for him, but what was easier for Lennie. “And George raised the gun and steadied it, and he brought the muzzle of it close to the back of Lennie’s head… he pulled the trigger” (Steinbeck, 106). George thought that this would be easier for Lennie because if he didn’t shoot him, then he would either get caught by the police or get shot by Curley. If he was caught, he would have to stay in a jail cell, or an insane asylum, for the rest of his life. If Curley got to him first, and shot him, he would suffer since Curley wouldn’t make it

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