George Catlett Marshall Plan Before The First World War

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Marshall Plan was given the name after George Catlett Marshall. He was born on December 31, 1880 in Uniontown United States. George Catlett Marshall was known for his leadership, integrity and patriotism. He was Chief of army staff of United States during the world war, Secretary of State and third Secretary of Defense. He received Noble Peace Prize for presenting Marshall Plan. As Secretary of State he addressed to University of Harvard on June5, 1947 and presented his plan known as Marshall Plan. He died at the age of 78 on October 16, 1959 at Walter Reed Hospital Washington D.C United States

World War ll started in 1939 and continued for almost six years. During this period almost all the countries existed in world took part in this war, …show more content…

After this period Europe was in better stage of economy than it used to be before the World War ll. All the countries who took part in this plan had profit. Marshall Plan was replaced by the Mutual Security Plan at the end of 1951. It was such a miracle done by George Marshal and its implementation magnified European economy to such an unexpected rate. United States played an important part as without the help of United States it was impossible for countries of Europe to make such a rapid comeback. People were totally disappointed, hopeless and aimless, they considered themselves to be in the state of poverty for the rest of their life. Marshall Plan provided people of Europe with a new hope of sound …show more content…

He explained the European Crisis very well in his memorandum and made clear how much the destruction was underestimated. He advised the people of America to tighten their belts and sacrifice a bit for the sake of saving Europe from this calamity and also to save the future for their children and themselves. He said that U.S produces a lot of surplus amount of food products that could be exported or even more if they did not waste food as much as they did. He proposed that Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, Union of South Africa could also help with the surplus raw materials. Spurred by his memo, Dean Acheson, suggested that the Secretary of State, Marshall, should prepare a speech in Harvard in which he properly explains the problems that are faced by Europe and how can there be a solution for it. Marshall agreed to make an informal address just so that the people be aware of the European

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