George H. Bush And Bill Clinton's Dream Of NAFTA

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By definition from Webster dictionary globalization is “the act or process of globalizing : the state of being globalized; especially : the development of an increasingly integrated global economy marked especially by free trade, free flow of capital, and the tapping of cheaper foreign labor markets.” (2017). Globalization is an issue for poor countries such as the country I chose to present within this paper but a benefit for large wealthy countries. Two leading causes of globalization are Innovative transportation technologies of today’s century and the fact that people have to travel across the world for trade and in order to search for upcoming opportunities. International organizations just like the World Trade Organization remove barriers from trade. This ends up …show more content…

“George H. Bush and Bill Clinton’s dream of NAFTA is finally starting to come to fruition. NAFTA was philosophically partly based on the premise that uniting the economies of Mexico the United States and Canada through trade would create a larger economic market to compete with China. Practically it was also based on the idea that if the Mexican economy grew rapidly, fewer Mexican immigrants would come into the United States.” (2013) “According to Gary Hufbauer, a Senior Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, “U.S. trade with its North American partners grew 156 percent in 20 years. Of course all three economies are larger: real North American gross domestic product grew 70 percent between 1993 and 2013 But real two-way trade grew faster than real gross domestic product, by a margin of 86 percentage points.”” (2013). Due to labor and energy costs going up in poverty countries such as South Africa and China alongside the ship cost also going up Mexico is becoming a manufacturing machine. Illegal immigration into the United States has dramatically slowed, partially because of the recession but also because of the growth of the Mexican