George L. Jackson's Soledad Brother

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Soledad Brother ¨Soledad Brother¨ by George L. Jackson is a very eye opening book, for many reasons. This book makes a lot of us realize how bad racism really is. Its disgusting how cruel some people can be to others just because they are black or brown colored people. It is unfair for the ones who are living under the American System, because we aren’t getting the same rights as the higher class people. George Jackson was charged for murder of a white prison guard, John Vincent Mills at California's Soledad Prison on January 16, 1970. My thoughts about this text is that this has been going on for so many years and it still continues. A person of color getting accused for something that they might have not done. Just because they're not white. Racism has never stopped and it continues till this day. I've witnessed it and it helps me understand to never believe stereotypes and treat everyone equally. I feel like this is very unacceptable because we live in a country in which everyone thinks that we all get treated equally and in reality we don’t. On pages 40-42 Jackson writes a letter to his father. Jackson's letter to his father explains his relationship with his …show more content…

While reading this I felt surprised. He talks about how he does not let the noise bother him in the evenings from the maddening intensity from the white cons who act as if they were animals. It surprises me that people expect this from black people when in reality most white cons are the ones who are causing these kinds of surroundings. It also makes me feel angry when he explains how harsh the system is to people of color. It should be the same for everyone, he thinks it's because a man should pursue his interest instead of acting like someone they aren’t. Which I think is wrong because people should be realistic just like George explains. What is it that causes a man to become