
George Orwell's 1984: Creating A Utopia

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Zack Montes
English 10 Honors
26 February 2016
Creating a Utopia A utopian society would be classified as perfect and just for all. This society has been conceived numerous times throughout history along with numerous ideologies. Although these ideologies have solved specific problems, none of them can be considered perfect due to numerous perceptions, which in turn would prevent perfection. In 1984, the Party made a totalitarian government. Like other oppressive governments throughout history, the ideology designed by the Party was not capable of creating a society that could support all people. Currently democracy provides the best society, but can still create oppositions of views. Even though some ideologies may seem appropriate …show more content…

Through the use of propaganda, vaporization, conditioning, and deprivation, the Party is capable of controlling minds similarly to Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union. Oceania also reflects Communism in which it does not have a single ruler, but rules as a group as said, “The first thing you must realize is that power is collective. The individual only has power in so far as he ceases to be an individual. You know the Party slogan ‘Freedom is Slavery.’ Has it ever occurred to you that it is reversible? Slavery is freedom. Alone-free- the human being is always defeated… if he can escape from his identity, if he can merge himself in the Party so that he is the Party, then he is all-powerful and immortal (264). This quotation demonstrates how the Party gains its power through the accumulation of people submitting to it. This is similar to the Communist Parties of China, Cuba, and the U.S.S.R. The Inner Party does not teach this idea directly, but expects the citizens to love Big Brother and to submit like sheep to a shepherd. This action gives more power to the Party as it is another form of manipulation. Although one person may lack power, if a group were to form, they would be able to gain more control, which is exactly what the system had accomplished. In the real world, a utopian society is impossible, but in 1984 pseudo perfection was …show more content…

None are perfect, but they each provide the nation with laws. There is no way to meet everyone’s needs, so there cannot be a perfect government. These societies each provide its citizens with certain privileges and privacies. Unlike 1984, in most developed countries, citizens have rights, and cannot be prosecuted by “thought crime.” Although American society is not quite like the society of Oceania, there are still problems in terms of privacy. The United States is a Democratic Republic, but organizations such as the N.S.A, F.B.I, and C.I.A. collect data on everyone and surveil over citizens. They are not quite like the Party’s control, but can be used to destroy all privacy if necessary. As time has proven, no society can be considered

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