George Washington I Cannot Tell A Lie Speech

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Who was George Washington? How do you know about him? Is it because he was the first president of the United States? Or perhaps from his “I cannot tell a lie” speech? There are many different reasons why George Washington was a very famous man in the colonial times. He started off as a surveyor of land, then going forth and fighting for the British in the French and Indian war. Then he became a Commander against the British in the Continental Army. But what became of his character? His religion? All of these will be dissected in this text.

George Washington, was born on his father’s Plantation on Pope’s Creek in Westmoreland County, Virginia on February 22, 1732. When George was eleven, his father died, leaving all that his plantation to his older sons. George, when he was 19, wanted …show more content…

He decided to take a stand against the British. So in 1775, he was deemed Commandeer of the Continental Army. His experience showed in his frontier warfare, usually in small numbers of troops. With his little amount of practical knowledge of organizing large numbers of troops, or dealing with large amounts of artillery and arms, he had lots to learn. He had very difficult times defending when it came to New York. Being an island city, there were many waterways and it was even harder to defend, especially against a far superior naval power. Having been defeated at Long Island and Kips bay, Washington's forces retreated to a valley, Valley Forge. There he strengthened his forces, gave more training with all the weapons they had in their arsenal, and even dreamt up the idea for inoculation for the ever growing smallpox virus. Washington then went on to lay siege just south of Yorktown, to scare out General Cornwallis´ armies. When Cornwallis decided to surrender, it opened up new possibility to capture Yorktown and end the Revolutionary war. Which is exactly what