George Washington: The Qualities Of An Effective Leader

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The United States Army was established on June 14, 1775, more than a year before the Declaration of Independence was written. Since then, the United States Army has played a pivotal role in the growth and success of the nation as well as developing some of the best leaders the world has ever seen. Over the last few years, I have begun to see what it truly means to be a leader and what key traits it takes to successfully lead others to accomplish a task. In trying to become a better leader myself, I have begun to implement those key traits into aspects of my life and leadership style. For me, those traits are selflessness, having an upstanding and unwavering moral character, and having the drive to be willing to accomplish anything put in front of you, including the seemingly impossible. The …show more content…

This is supported by the statement “I want to suggest and argue that Washington was chosen for these leadership roles because of his character and also because of his being a genius in the area of leadership. They trusted him because he had demonstrated a noble and incorruptible character and he had also shown himself to be an exceptional leader. (Stazesky, 2000).” This was said in regards to George Washington, and shows how his steady and unwavering moral character played a big part in his success as a leader as well as why he was chosen to spearhead the young nation in gaining its independence when it was in such a fragile state. In addition to having an upstanding character, Washington, as well as other great leaders, were unwavering in making decisions and carrying them out. This means treating those under you, as well as over you, equally and with respect, yet sticking to what your moral compass thinks is right regardless of how it is perceived by others. Drive and have the