George Washington Website Analysis

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The website is publishing by National Archives and Records Administration, who transferred the hand written documents to digital images, so that it will be easier to read.
The documents are operated and monitor by the Library of Congress since 1957. Other sources of George Washington personal papers started in 1834 with Jared Sparks with University of Virginia Greenwood Press, Congress first approved the publications. In 1930 it was reprinted by John Fitzpatrick, according to Greenwood press in 1970, and many others. I believe that the websites is not bias. Even though the original documents are hand written by George Washington, the grammar is not completely correct and through time the ink on his paper faded away …show more content…

Also while the waters were frozen he would go out and survey the ice to its thickness. When the weather let up, he would borrow hound dogs from his friends to go fox hunting, but on several occasions he was very unsuccessful. When the weather started warming, creeks and river started melting and flowing again, George Washington, Fairfox, Captain Posey, and a few others were able to go out and go fox hunting more often than before. In March his luck in fox hunting seemed to change, he finally started catching foxes, one time he had chased a fox for so long he and the dogs ended up getting really sick to where the Doctor had to come and stay at his house with him. It took a few days to recover back to his normal healthy health. On several occasions he would write about how he would ride out to the neck to Muddy Hole Plantation to visit and to assess the area of land. During this time it seems as he really didn’t do too much. Most of his time was spent fox hunting and riding out to the neck where he was clear out some land for him at the Muddy Hole Plantation. After it was cleared, he began planting his crops. He had started harvesting corn, wheat, and grapevines, and many more. His crops did very well for him. George Washington writings seemed that no matter what was going on; he would always make time for his family. He would cross several counties to see