German Schools Vs American Schools Essay

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American schools and German schools have many differences. Both systems strive to prepare students for prosperous futures in todays ever changing world. Students start out on the same pathway in both countries but things change drastically after the fourth grade.
In the United states children start kindergarten around the age of five. They continue through an elementary school until they reach the sixth grade. The curriculum focuses on socialization skills and academic learning. Students study arithmetic, English proficiency, social studies, science, physical education, art, and reading. After elementary school, children begin their secondary education. It is often divided into two parts, junior high school which is grades seven and eight, …show more content…

All students start in the Grundschule where all students are taught at the same level. The curriculum concentrates on the three “R’s”- reading, writing, and arithmetic. Children are also started on a second language in the third grade. The language depends on which state they live. Most Germans I have encountered were from Bavaria and were taught English. After the fourth grade students are assigned to one of three types of school based on their grades. All students are obliged to attend nine years of school. Hauptschule is geared for students of lower academic achievement. Subjects are taught at a slower pace and are geared towards those who will attend a trade school. Most students start an apprenticeship while attending school. Realschule is the intermediate level of education. It is oriented toward higher skilled vocational training such as nursing or police officer. It is possible to become eligible for a higher level of education from Realschule with high scholastic achievement. The next level is Gymnasium. It is for high level students to be prepared for further study in high skill level fields or study at a university. University is available only to graduates from a Gymnasium. All levels are available at no cost to the student. Some universities may charge tuition but it is at minimal