German Standards: SS5H2: Describe US Involvement In World War I America?

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Final Design by Joanne Tate June 2nd, 2024. Introduction: When brainstorming on how to fill the final few weeks of school, I landed on spending time on social studies. My students and I worked all year on perfecting their math skills leading up to the Georgia Milestone, and I was told all year my focus is math and anything else I am able to fit in is icing on the cake. Well since I teach Math, Science, and Social Studies, you can imagine what fell to the side due to us testing on Math and Science. My students had all heard of World War 1, but they had not studied it, so I did a brief synopsis of what happened before World War I. Students had been begging for Social Studies, so the silence was filled with excitement, and considering …show more content…

In this class I have learned a lot about Project Based Learning infused with creativity, and due to my standard being focused on U.S involvement, I wanted the students to be able to complete a project where they could research any part of World War I, and learn more about the war. This lesson took place a couple days into the unit, and this was the day, I introduced the project. Lesson Plan: Standards: SS5H2: Describe U.S. involvement in World War I and post-World War I America. a. Explain how German attacks on U.S. shipping during the war in Europe (1914-1917) ultimately led the U.S. to join the fight against Germany. Includes the sinking of the Lusitania and concerns over safety of U.S. ships, U.S. contributions to the war, and the impact of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 Learning Targets: 1. Students will be able to describe the U.S. involvement in World War I. 2. What is the difference between a'smart' and a'smart'? Students will be able to explain how German attacks on U.S. shipping led to the U.S. joining the war to fight World War I. Activating Strategy: The students and I will role play what is currently happening in World War I. Half the class will …show more content…

Summarizer: At that point I will stop the students and pass out a lined piece of paper. On the board will be the following exit ticket: Answer these questions on your paper and then pack up and line up: 1) What was the United States stance on joining World War I before the Lusitania? 2) Why was Germany attacking ships coming into Britain wars? 3) How did the Lusitania change United States Stance after joining World War I? Reflection: Overall the lesson was successful. The students thoroughly enjoyed the roleplaying and the story telling. I am writing the reflection after school has finished, and I have to say the amount of love they put into their projects was incredible. I have never seen such drive from my students. They truly enjoyed being able to pick which project to complete. One of my students chose the news reporter, she only had to write one article, but she chose to write three for different parts of World War I. She then brought changes of clothes and filmed her like she was a newscaster. She even made slides to go with each of her reports. She did all of this after just looking at the menu item she wanted to do. Another student made actual trading cards by