Existentialism and Ghost Dog The existentialist movement is primarily concerned with the idea of an authentic existence: living truly as yourself, recognizing the emptiness and meaningless of the world, and not trying to obtain meaning from religion, science, reason, or any established way of life. After a person has recognized the vast insignificance of all ways of life, and comes to the realization that all systems of life - whether religious or governmental or moral - are equal, they can begin to make choices in their lives with complete freedom. This individual must rely on themselves to determine what values should be adhered to, and what purposes are worth living for, separate from the conforms and pressures of society. An excellent example of what an …show more content…
No background is given on Ghost Dog’s upbringing or former life, except for a single flashback in which Louie shoots a man who is about to kill Ghost Dog. No background is necessary because Ghost Dog is not influenced by any culture or upbringing, standards of conduct or familial expectations. This puts him in a position to decide for himself the way he should live, and his lack of ties to people or systems makes him the perfect hit man. The one system he clings to is the way of the Samurai, detailed by a small book that he carries with him and reads diligently. In accordance with Existentialist views, he knows that his way - the way of the Samurai - is only one way of life in a world with so many options, none better or worse than any other. It is the way he has chosen, but he makes no attempt to prove the superiority of the Samurai’ way of life, or to convert others, or even to explain it. He is content merely with living out his chosen way of life, tracking and killing men that his master orders him