s texting results First of all, in the cardiovascular health tests, I did the 1 Mile Walk Test in 15:35 minutes and my heart rate at the end of the exercise was 102 bmp/minute. This heart rate represents a very light stimulation. On the other hand, I did 1.5 miles in the 12 minutes-run with a final heart rate of 139 bmp/min. My heart rate was moderately stimulated during this test. As results, I had a VO@ MAX of 42.669, a population average of 37.295, a score of 84 and I was rated as “good.” Secondly, the muscular strength and endurance tests were: the plank (core strength) which was evaluated in 8 stages, the sit ups (30 seconds), the squats test, the push ups test and the standing long jump test. In the plank test, I succeed to do 7 stages on 8. For …show more content…
Analysis I believe my strength is in the cardiovascular health section. It makes sense, because it is the section that I enjoy the most in my everyday life. Indeed, I had no difficulty to do the one-mile walk test, because I often walk to go at the grocery, or to go at the bank, for example. So, walking is a part of my everyday life activities. In addition, I did pretty good in the 12-minutes run also, probably because running is my favourite sport. I try to run 3 times per week during 30 to 45 minutes. So, running is one of my strengths, because I enjoy doing it and I practice a lot. However, for both of the tests I feel like I could have done better times and scores. Indeed, I went to run and walk outside to do the tests, and it was snowing and there was a lot of ice on the sidewalk, which was making my run harder than if I would have been in a gym or running outside with perfect conditions. In the muscular strength and endurance, the results show that the sit ups and the squats tests are my strengths. This is representative of my abilities, because squats and sit ups are physical activities that I often practice in my training. So, I am used to do squats