Strength Finder Reflection

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I have now taken the Strengths Finder 2.0 assessment for the second time, and I am fascinated with the results. Not only for the differences that exist between the two assessments, but for also my most recent results. I first took the assessment in the Spring 2014 semester, about a year and a half ago, and in that time I have had an immense amount of personal growth. Therefore, I was very curious if my results would reflect the same. Not only did it reflect different strengths, but I believe that the results are more accurate than the prior assessment. The strengths that were identified this time taking the assessment were all characteristics that I strongly identify with. The most recent assessment showed that my strengths are, in order, Futuristic, Context, Relator, Restorative, and Analytical. This is in comparison to my 2014 results of Includer, Harmony, Consistency, Relator, and Analytical. My 2014 results were much more reflective of someone in the relationship building domain, something that I would actually consider myself only competent at, if not a weakness of mine. I am solid in those aspects, but thought that it overestimated my capabilities because although …show more content…

Looking at each individual strength, I am reminded of different aspects of my life where that strength is used. My first two of Futuristic and Context are very interrelated in my mind, and without question are two of my biggest strengths. It seems as though most of my time is spent either reflecting on past events or thinking about what is to come in the future. I examine what I and others have done in the past to see what worked and what failed. I then take that into account whenever I make future decisions. I also think a lot about what I want to happen and where I want to be in the future. I then work towards those events after planning how they can be